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Black Lions

Black Lions
Motto: Friendship Beyond Victory


The Black Lions were formed by Vain in 1997 for European members of the Rangers. Vain and Verran worked together on the name, and color of the squad. Cemada was Commander at the time. His primary concern about Black Squad was how it would affect squad matches. It worked out though, since we had a lot of active members back then. European officers would meet on their time to play/practice. Then they would schedule times to show up and play squad matches. As time moved on, our number of active members decreased. Due to this, Black Squad opened membership to any Ranger, regardless of time zone. Eventually, our overall member activity dwindled so much, that the Senior Officers decided to close Black Squad (about 2005) and distribute membership among the original four squads. The Rangers were active until 2007.  After 3 years went by, the Rangers resumed activity with 4 original squads. In October 2011, the Black Lions were reformed with Icewolf as Lt. Commander and Hawkins as Captain. The Black Lions squadron is currently open for any members regardless of time zone. 

Some facts about Black Lions:
- first recorded squad match against red dragons and first WIN (findail and lardass) 20-feb-1999
- Former and Current squadron leaders: Vain, lardass, Verran, Canuck-eh, Machete_bug, Icewolf, yagar, Maestro and Skywarp.
- Black Lions keeps the highest among all squads skill ace rating - above 60%.

Ranger Rules
Description of Ranks
Forum [Must be logged in to post]


  • Participation is an important factor:  Not just in game play, with other aspects that make the Rangers function.  Be self motivated, ask if you can help.
  • The Rules are important, learn them. They are an overall guide as to what the Rangers are.
  • General attitude and interaction with other members of the Rangers.
  • Game play is a consideration - actual number of games played.  The best way to learn about the Rangers is to be active, play matches and visit with other Rangers on Mumble.
  • General behavior: excessive usage of vulgar language may be a reason to deny promotions, in addition to disciplinary actions, based on Ranger rules and/or Senior Officer decisions in the matter.
  • Membership duration is a small factor for promotions.
  • All promotions including Jr. & Senior officer positions will follow the job description set up in the Ranks page.  If you think you are due talk to the senior officers in the squad about it  as referenced in the Rules
Lt. Commander Skywarp

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Member Quote
I'm a Retired Green Dire Wolf Ranger.
- Player Yinyang