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Rules and Regulations

Table of Contents

  1. New Members
    If you wish to join this organization and become a full member, you must follow these steps:

  2. Code of Conduct
    1. Behavior
      1. Polite behavior is expected at all times.

      2. Good sportsmanship is expected at all times.

      3. Bigotry, insults, threats, harassment and bullying shall not be tolerated.

      4. Lying to any Admin, or the Grievance Admin, in any way, will get you suspended or terminated.

      5. Retaliation due to a perceived violation of the rules and regulations is not allowed. You must contact and work with the Grievance Admin to resolve any perceived violation(s).

      6. Respect the decisions of the Admins. Be reasonable, use common sense and communicate with a calm demeanor if you disagree with any decision that has been made.

      7. Respect the privacy of other members. If anyone has violated the rules and regulations, the Admins and the Grievance Admin have the right to maintain the privacy of any and all members involved.

      8. Swearing and vulgar talk is only allowed if everyone present (in chat or in game) is eighteen (18) years old or older. If someone younger than eighteen (18) is present, you may not swear or behave in a vulgar manner. Additionally, if any member requests other member(s) to stop swearing and being vulgar, then they must stop immediately. Swearing and vulgar talk may only be used in friendly jest and not in any other way that violates correlating rules in the Code of Conduct. If this rule is violated repeatedly, you will get suspended or terminated. This is especially the case if you are asked to stop by an Admin. This rule applies to chat etiquette and any other form of communication (emails, forum postings, news postings, etc).

    2. Chat Etiquette
      1. If using audio chat software, try to use Push-to-Talk.

      2. If using audio chat software and a member complains about your microphone volume, try to fix it. If you cannot fix your microphone volume, mute yourself until you have time to repair it.

      3. Do not flagrantly spam members with chat or voice communications.

      4. If you do not comply with these rules while in chat, an Admin, or any member with chat administrative rights, may mute or kick you, without warning.

      5. If an Admin, or any member with chat administrative rights, asks you to move to another chat lobby, and you ignore them or argue, the administrator may move, mute, or kick you, without warning.

      6. If an Admin is having a meeting, they may move you to a different chat lobby without warning.

      7. If these rules are violated repeatedly, you will get suspended or terminated.

    3. Disciplinary Actions
      1. If a member violates any rules and regulations, they may be suspended or terminated by the Admins.

      2. Members who violate any rules and regulations may or may not be given warnings prior to being considered for suspension or termination. The Admins make their decisions based on the severity of the violations.

      3. Suspension may last for one game, three days, one week, two weeks, one month or more. The length of a suspension shall be determined by the Admins.

      4. If a member has been terminated , only the Admins may decide if that member may ever be allowed to re-apply to the league.

    4. Grievances
      1. If any member has any issues with other members, the rules, managerial decisions, general complaints or any other type of confrontational situation, they must contact and work with the Grievance Admin.

  3. Gaming Regulations
    1. Behavior
      1. Admins are always in charge in any game situation.

      2. If there are no Admins in a game, members in the game must decide amongst themselves who will be in charge. If there's disagreement, default to seniority by date joined.

      3. Do not whine, be impatient or complain excessively during games.

      4. Taunts and messages are permitted during the game, however, if you are asked to stop by any member due to excessive offenses, you must stop immediately.

      5. The member in charge of the game has the right to kick a member from the game if the member is violating any rules and regulations.

      6. Once members have committed to a scorable game, no member is allowed to rage quit.

      7. Members should use a likeness of their league nick name when playing in games. Or, at least disclose the handle you plan on using in the game.

      8. If these rules are violated repeatedly, you will get suspended or terminated by the Admins.

    2. Cheating
      1. Cheating is not allowed. If you are caught cheating, you will be terminated.

      2. Members must contact the Admins, privately, with proof (such as videos, screenshots, files, etc) of whomever they believe may be cheating. The Admins will investigate the situation and make a decision.

      3. Members should never publicly accuse other members of cheating (such as in chat, forum postings, news postings, etc).

      4. If an Admin is suspected of cheating, then all other Admins should be notified, privately, to investigate the situation.

      5. Any member using a Space Orb controller cannot use the 180-degree flip functionality. Space Orb users must also use version 4.81 of the space orb controller software.

      6. No member may have a frame rate over 90 in any Descent game version where the frame rate adversely affects game play fairness (3DFX, DirectX, OpenGL, SDL / software). This rule does not apply to versions where the game engine has been modified so that the frame rate does not adversely affect game play fairness (such as DXX-Rebirth, D2X-XL or other ports). This rule was created with the intention of being flexible. The Admins will decide what is allowed or not allowed, on a case-by-case basis. The intention of this rule is to provide a degree of fairness, while not restricting a member's right to play a particular version of Descent (old or new).

      7. Members who report false and/or trivial accusations may be suspended or terminated.

    3. Settings
      1. This organization has default game settings for certain game versions and game modes. Any of these default settings may be modified with the unanimous consent of all members in the game.

      2. Descent 1 and 2 default multiplayer game settings are:
        • Restricted or Closed Game
        • Maximum Players: 8 (except cooperative)
        • Difficulty: Ace
        • Reactor Life: 50 minutes (except cooperative)
        • Maximum Time: 0 minutes
        • Kill Goals: 0 kills
        • Invulnerable When Reappearing: Yes
        • Allow Camera Views from Markers: No (except cooperative)
        • Show All Players on Automap: No (except cooperative)
        • No Friendly Fire: No
        • Bright Player Ships: Yes
        • Show Enemy Names on HUD: No
        • Powerups to remove (except cooperative):
          • Cloaking Device
          • Earthshaker Missiles
          • Headlight
          • Helix Cannon
          • Invulnerability
          • Omega Cannon
          • Phoenix Cannon
          • Smart Mines
          • Flash Missiles
          • Gauss Cannon
      3. Descent 3 default multiplayer game settings are:
        • If option is available, restrict / password game
        • Maximum Players: 16 (except cooperative)
        • Difficulty: Ace
        • Time Limit: 0 minutes
        • Goal Limit: 0 kills
        • Respawn Rate: 30 seconds
        • Use Rotational Velocity: Off
        • Use Restrictive Weapons Collisions: Off
        • Bright Player Ships: On
        • Randomize Powerup Respawn: On
        • Allow Mouselookers: members decide
        • Observer mode or piggyback mode is not allowed (except cooperative and tournaments)
        • Powerups to remove (except cooperative):
          • Black Shark Missile
          • Cloaking Device
          • Invisibility
          • Invulnerability
        • Server multiplayer settings:
          • Max HUD Name Level: Team Only
          • Auto Save Stats on Disconnect: On
      4. Overload default multiplayer game settings are:
        • Always use the latest OLMod release (from
        • Try to choose a dedicated server that is relatively geographically centralized between all players in the game. Overload match outcomes favor who has the best connection to the server. The more even players' ping times are, the fairer the match will be.
        • Always use a password for scored games.
        • Time Limit: None
        • Score Limit: None
        • Advanced Settings:
          • Show Enemy Names: Normal
          • Respawn Time: 2 seconds
          • Respawn Shield: 2 seconds
          • Turn Speed Limiting: Medium
          • Friendly Fire: Off
          • Allow Join in Progress: On
        • Powerup Settings:
          • Overall Frequency: Max
          • Initial Secondaries: Normal
          • Super Frequency: Low
        • Allowed Powerups: All
        • All other options not listed above should be set to game-specified defaults.

    4. Protocol
      1. When a game is started, members are not allowed to move. Members may look around and fire flares, but are not allowed to move around and/or pickup powerups.

      2. Any member may send a timeout message to all members in the game.

      3. When sending a timeout message, send the message more than once to ensure all members in the game see your message. It is advised to setup macros, if available.

      4. When a timeout message is sent, members are not allowed to move. During a timeout, members may look around and fire flares, but are not allowed to move around and/or pickup powerups.

      5. Any member who sees another member disconnect from the game must send a timeout.

      6. Any member who notices that another member has become unresponsive in the game must send a timeout.

      7. Any member who is having issues of any kind (technical, distractions or otherwise) must send a timeout and explain their situation to the members in the game.

      8. Any member who must leave unexpectedly must send a timeout and explain their situation to the members in the game.

      9. Any member who observes a violation of the rules and regulations must send a timeout and explain the situation to the members in the game.

      10. For Descent 1 and 2 capture the flag, if any member notices that the flag is not re-appearing, or that the flag has been duplicated, then that member must send a timeout. The member in charge will coordinate resolving the issue(s). If a capture the flag game must be restarted, the member in charge may decide if the current scores in the game can be applied to the restarted game.

      11. When a timeout message is sent, members have five (5) seconds to disengage. You should stop firing immediately, but you may dodge incoming fire as necessary.

      12. In Descent 1 and 2, when starting a game or during a timeout, you may move away from the reactor if it is firing at you. Avoid picking up any powerups when you move.

      13. When starting a game or during a timeout, you may ask the member in charge if you can move away from any other members in the game if you think you are too close. If approved, avoid picking up any powerups when you move.

      14. When starting a game or during a timeout, if you have to move and inadvertently pick up any powerups, drop them if you are able to.

      15. While in timeout, you may ask the member in charge if you can pick up powerups from any kills you made immediately before the timeout message was sent.

      16. Do not use timeouts as a tactical advantage.

      17. For a game to start, or re-start after a timeout, the member in charge will follow this protocol:
        • The member in charge will ask all members if they are ready.
        • All members will respond that they are ready.
        • Once the member in charge has confirmed all members are ready, they will say resume, followed by go.
        • Members are not allowed to move and engage until they see the word go.
      18. Do not send any resume or go messages if you are not the member in charge of the game.

      19. If you have any disputes with the member in charge, handle it privately, or wait until the game is over.

      20. If a member disconnects or leaves the game without notice or a timeout, all other members in the game must wait at least five (5) minutes for the missing member to return. The member in charge of the game may override this rule with the unanimous consent of all members in the game. If the missing member does not return within the specified amount of time, the missing member may be scored with the unanimous consent of all members in the game.

      21. The maximum number of members allowed in a scorable game is 16.

      22. Team games may only be scored if there is an even number of members on each team.

      23. Ties are allowed for any member or team placements, except first place for member placements.

      24. If there is a tie for first place, then the members in the game must decide who should be first by either taking the member's least deaths, or decide to play to a slightly higher kill goal (this must be done for first place ties for teams), with the unanimous consent of all members in the game.

      25. All members must agree to the placements of members and teams with the member in charge (or whoever is designated to report the game) when the game ends. You may not leave the game until this is done.

      26. Members in a game must always use the highest points when verifying member and team placements.

      27. By default, members are allowed to use markers to hold doors open (if the game supports it). Members may choose not to allow this, but only with the unanimous consent of all members in the game.

    5. Kill Goals
      1. A game ends when the kill goal is reached. Members must send a timeout message when the kill goal is reached. All members must agree to the placements of members and teams with the member in charge (or whoever is designated to report the game) when the game ends.

      2. Do not abuse these rules by playing many games to the suggested minimum or lower kill goals. Doing so will get you suspended or terminated.

      3. These are the suggested kill goals by game version and game mode for four (4) to five (5) members:
        • Anarchy: 20 points
        • Entropy: (unknown)
        • Hoard: 20 points
        • Hyper Anarchy: 20 points
        • Monsterball: 5 points
        • Team Anarchy: 15 team points
        • Team-Hoard: 30 team points
        • Robo-Anarchy: 10 points
        • Capture the Flag:
          • Descent 1 and 2: 200 team points
          • Descent 3: 10 team points
      4. Kill goals should typically increase as the number of members in the game increase.

      5. Suggested minimum kill goals may be changed as long as there is a unanimous consent of all members in the game.

  4. Scoring Regulations
    1. Reporting Games
      1. The member who is designated to report the game should write results and/or take screenshots, for their own reference, in order to reduce mistakes.

      2. If you intentionally submit a false game report, you will get suspended or terminated.

      3. Members should be reasonable, use common sense and communicate with a calm demeanor when attempting to resolve a game reporting issue.

      4. All game reports are manually reviewed by administrators before being aggregated into the seasonal statistics.

    2. Calculations
      1. Non-team, non-cooperative game calculations for members:

        Two (2) members
        Placement Kill Points Game Points
        1st 1 1
        2nd 0 1

        Three (3) members
        Placement Kill Points Game Points
        1st 2.5 2.5
        2nd 1.5 2.5
        3rd 0.5 2.5

        Four (4) or more members
        Kill Points
        ((number of members + 1) - member placement)
        Game Points
        (number of members: to a maximum of 16)

      2. Team, non-cooperative game calculations for members and two (2) teams:

        Four (4) or more members
        Kill Points
        (((number of members + 1) - member placement) + 1 if first place team)
        Game Points
        (number of members: to a maximum of 10)

      3. Team, non-cooperative game calculations for members and three (3) or more teams (only applies to Descent 3):

        These have been compiled manually and are not listed due to the length and complexity of each permutation.

      4. Team, non-cooperative games with an even number of members, on the same squad and the same team , will result in kill point and game point calculations for each squad.

      5. Game calculations for squads:

        Two (2) squads
        Placement Kill Points Game Points
        1st 1 1
        2nd 0 1

        Three (3) squads
        Placement Kill Points Game Points
        1st 2.5 2.5
        2nd 1.5 2.5
        3rd 0.5 2.5

        Four (4) squads
        Placement Kill Points Game Points
        1st 4 4
        2nd 3 4
        3rd 2 4
        4th 1 4

      6. For each tie in a game, all members (or teams) below the tie(s) will have their own placement shifted up by one (1), therefore increasing their kill points by one (1) for each placement shift.

      7. Cooperative games may be scored as regular games, but do not follow the same scoring regulations as cooperative tournaments. Since cooperative games are quite variable due to the complexity of levels, member availability, scores, deaths, and other circumstances, it was decided that the calculations should be based on length of time played, number of members, and each member's seasonal statistics is zero). Members will receive an incentive to their game points and ace ratings for playing cooperative games.

        Scoring requirements for cooperative games:
        1. A cooperative game may only be scored if the game play time is twenty (20) minutes or more in length.
        2. Members should not abuse this incentive by intentionally prolonging the game play length.
        3. If there are timeouts and/or technical difficulties, the designated member in charge determines if the game play time should be modified, with a unanimous agreement from all members in the game.
        4. If a member has to leave the game, the designated member in charge determines if a member should be scored or not, with a unanimous agreement from all members in the game.
        5. "Timeout", "Ready?", "Resume", "Go" rules would not apply to cooperative games. Again, use good judgement.
        6. Use common sense when making decisions.
        Cooperative game calculations:

        For each member
        Game Points
        RoundAndFloor((number of members + 1) * (game time in minutes / 30))

        If the previous calculation is zero, then use:
        RoundAndCeil((number of members / 2) + 1)

        Kill Points
        If the member game points total for season (or lifetime) is zero:
        member percentage for season (or lifetime if season is zero) = 0.5

        RoundAndCeil(( member percentage for season (or lifetime if season is zero) / 100) * game points)

        If game member percentage <= member percentage for season (or lifetime if season is zero):
        Add 0.5 to final calculation

      8. Percentages and ace ratings for members and squads are defined in the glossary.

      9. Descent 3 games are scored by flag captures only. Not by kills. If there is a tie for first, you might want to use "highest kills" as the tie breaker. Or, continue playing to a higher score goal. Use common sense to decide on a tie breaker.

  5. Tournament Regulations
    1. Member Eligibility
      1. Active members may participate in tournaments.

      2. Inactive or retired members may only participate in tournaments if they accumulate at least fifteen (15) game points for their seasonal statistics prior to the initial tournament date.

      3. Active, inactive or retired members may participate in any non- tournament event.

      4. Suspended members may only participate in tournaments and/or events with the explicit approval of the Admins.

    2. Official
      1. Official tournaments may only be played in these game versions:
        • Anarchy
        • Team Anarchy
        • Capture the Flag
      2. Team anarchy and capture the flag tournaments must be squad matches.

      3. First place winners will receive the Medal of Honor.  

      4. Second place winners will receive the Medal of Valor.  

    3. Elective
      1. Elective tournaments may only be organized and run by Admins.

      2. All elective tournaments must be approved by the Primary Admin.

      3. First place winners for non-cooperative tournaments will receive the Medal of Victory.  

      4. First place winners for cooperative tournaments will receive the Medal of Assault.  

      5. First place winners for turkey shoot tournaments may receive the Medal of Turkey.  

      6. Second place winners do not receive any medals for elective tournaments.

      7. Tournaments with other Descent groups are considered to be elective.

    4. Turkey Shoot
      1. Turkey shoot tournaments are team anarchy elective tournaments with special rules and regulations (created for fun during Thanksgiving and Christmas).

      2. A single member designates themselves as the turkey and is on their own team.

      3. Other members designate themselves as hunters and are on their own team.

      4. The turkey and hunters must agree on the game version and level to play.

      5. Hunters:
        • Only four (4) or five (5) members are allowed in each game.
        • Cannot use afterburners.
      6. Turkey:
        • Only one turkey per game.
        • Cannot use any weapons (except flares).
        • Is allowed to use afterburners.
      7. The hunter with the most turkey individual (not team) turkey kills wins the game. Members must manually account for each turkey individual turkey kill.

      8. Awards for this tournament are determined by the member organizing and running the event.

      9. Turkey Shoot games are NOT scored as regular scored games. Any kill points or game points must be awarded manually as determined by the member organizing and running the event.

      10. The winner is determined by most overall turkey kills. The goal is to have all participating members play an equal amount of games and players. If members show up or start late, they may have to play less games and risk missing out on their chance to win the event. Remember, this is an elective event and is more for fun and enjoyment than winning.

    5. Cooperative
      1. Cooperative tournaments are elective tournaments with special rules and regulations.

      2. All cooperative tournaments require a minimum of four (4) teams, to a maximum of twelve (12) teams.

      3. All cooperative tournaments must be played on Ace difficulty.

      4. The member organizing and running the tournament must select the levels which will be played.

      5. There must be an even number of members on each team.

      6. Every game must be overseen by a referee (usually the member organizing and running the tournament, but this responsibility may be delegated to other members). The referee will be responsible for recording gameplay times, scores, gathering screenshots, helping with technical issues, etc. Referees may utilize observer mode in Descent 3.

      7. For Descent 1 and 2, all teams are required to take a screenshot during the reactor countdown of the last level. This is necessary because Descent 1 and 2 do not show the level name on the summary screen after the level is over.

      8. It is recommended that at least two (2) members save screenshots in order to reduce the possibilities of errors.

      9. Any teams without the required screenshots will be disqualified.

      10. All screenshots must be sent to the referee.

      11. A team may continue as long as one member remains in the game.

      12. If a game should be interrupted for any reason, all members of the team are required to communicate with the referee. This includes any disconnections and whether or not members were able to reconnect. If the game was not completed, the referee will make one of the following decisions:
        • Allow the team to restart.
        • Excuse the team from the match, at a penalty of one game point.
        • Disqualify the team.
      13. Winning team placements are determined by three (3) categories:
        • Least deaths
        • Best time
        • Points scored (in game)
      14. Team placements are determined using the following guideline:

        Least deaths:
        • Team A: 2 deaths = 4 x 1.5 = 6
        • Team B: 3 deaths = 3 x 1.5 = 4.5
        • Team C: 4 deaths = 2 x 1.5 = 3
        • Team D: 5 deaths = 1 x 1.5 = 1.5
        Best time:
        • Team A: 25 minutes = 4 x 1 = 4
        • Team B: 30 minutes = 3 x 1 = 3
        • Team C: 40 minutes = 2 x 1 = 2
        • Team D: 50 minutes = 1 x 1 = 1
        Points scored (in game):
        • Team A: 55,000 points = 4 x 1 = 4
        • Team B: 40,000 points = 3 x 1 = 3
        • Team C: 30,000 points = 2 x 1 = 2
        • Team D: 20,000 points = 1 x 1 = 1
        • Team A: 14 = 1st place
        • Team B: 10.5 = 2nd place
        • Team C: 7 = 3rd place
        • Team D: 3.5 = 4th place
      15. Ties for team placements are broken by least deaths. If a tie remains after least deaths, then best time will be the deciding factor. If a tie remains after least deaths and best time, then points scored (in game) will be the deciding factor.

    6. Points
      1. This guideline is always used for official tournaments and cooperative tournaments. Elective tournaments may or may not use this guideline.

        For every four (4) members that sign up for a tournament, we add a ghost position. These ghost positions occupy the bottom slots of the results. This was instituted so that members who finish last receive a decent ace rating. The total game points are determined by the number of members, including the ghost positions.

        Guideline example with sixteen (16) members (non-cooperative):

        Placement Kill Points Game Points
        1st 20 20
        2nd 19 20
        3rd 18 20
        4th 17 20
        5th 16 20
        6th 15 20
        7th 14 20
        8th 13 20
        9th 12 20
        10th 11 20
        11th 10 20
        12th 9 20
        13th 8 20
        14th 7 20
        15th 6 20
        16th 5 20
        17th [ghost] [ghost]
        18th [ghost] [ghost]
        19th [ghost] [ghost]
        20th [ghost] [ghost]

        Guideline example with eight (8) members, two (2) per team (cooperative):

        Team Placement Kill Points Game Points
        1st 10 10
        2nd 9 10
        3rd 8 10
        4th 7 10
        5th [ghost] [ghost]
        6th [ghost] [ghost]

      2. For non-cooperative tournaments, bonus kill points and/or game points may be awarded by the member organizing and running the tournament.

      3. For cooperative tournaments, there are two (2) ways to earn bonus points:
        • Any member who finishes a tournament of three (3) or more levels with zero (0) deaths will earn one (1) bonus kill point, plus one (1) additional kill point for each level beyond the third, up to a maximum of (five) 5 kill points (for a tournament of seven (7) or more levels). A member must have points scored (in game) comparable to teammates (within reason) to qualify.

        • Any team who finishes first in all three categories (least deaths, best time and points scored) will receive an extra 50% bonus to their earned kill points. Half (0.5) a kill point may be awarded, but for a three (3) team tournament, the bonus will be one (1) kill point. All other teams will be scored according to the order in which they placed.
        The member organizing and running the tournament may decide not to award bonus points due to disconnections or other unforeseeable issue(s) with teams and/or members.

    7. Penalties
      1. Members who participate, but drop out, are replaced, or sign up and do not show up will receive penalties:
      2. These penalties are enforced due to the problems that drop outs cause for the member organizing and running tournaments.

      3. Any and all penalties may or may not be enforced at the discretion of member(s) managing the tournament. If there are any disputes regarding penalties, try to work it out. Otherwise, the Admins will get involved in order to resolve the concerns.

  6. Membership Regulations
    1. Admin Selection Process
      1. Admins may request players to be promoted to Admins with the approval of the Primary Admin. If the Primary Admin is unavailable, Admins may request the Secondary Admin to approve the change.

      2. Members are encouraged to ask the Admins to become an Admin via email. Please send at least one request. If you do not contact them, they may not realize you might be interested.

      3. There are no limitations to the number of Admins per squad. However, each squad is required to have at least two Admins.

      4. If any member has complaints or issues with the selection process, they must contact and work with the Grievance Admin.

      5. If there is any disagreement regarding the selection process of an Admin, the Primary Admin, Secondary Admin and remaining Admins must meet and cast a majority vote to resolve the disagreement. If there is a tie, the Primary Admin will decide the final outcome. If the Primary Admin is unavailable, the Secondary Admin will decide the final outcome.

      6. Selections involving the Primary Admin, Secondary Admin and Grievance Admin require a discussion of all of the Admins. During the discussion, steps must be taken:
        • Admins nominate potential candidates (with the candidate's permissions).
        • An Admin is chosen to collect votes.
        • Votes are cast privately to the chosen Admin.
        • Information is announced publicly.
        • An Admin may nominate more than one member.
        • If an Admin is stepping down, they will not, by default, be included in nominations or voting. They must voluntarily request to be included in the process. If they do not voluntarily make a request to be involved, they will be excluded from the process.
        • If there is a tie, the Primary Admin will make the final decision. If the Primary Admin is unavailable, the Secondary Admin will make the final decision. To cover unforeseen circumstances: if the Primary Admin and Secondary Admin are unavailable for some reason, the Admins must work together to randomly select an Admin to make the final decision.

    2. Squad Transfers
      1. Member squad transfers are managed by the Admins of each squad.

      2. To initiate a squad transfer, a member must contact each Admin and await their approval or disapproval.

      3. If Admins are not available, or do not respond to squad transfer requests within two (2) weeks, then members may contact all of the Admins regarding their request.

      4. If any member has complaints or issues with squad transfers, they must contact and work with the Grievance Admin.

    3. Honors
      1. Cemada, Sirian, Jandor and Rhythm are the organization's four (4) founding members. They deserve our respect and are recognized for their hard work and dedication.

      2. Any member who performs an extraordinary service for the group may, at the discretion of the Primary Admin or Secondary Admin, be granted distinguished membership and will receive the Medal of Distinguished Service. Distinguished members may be given additional administrative access and responsibilities, regardless of their rank or status.

      3. Any other special awards and recognitions may be designated by the Admins.

Glossary of Terms


Our organization is considered to be a league. A league is defined as:
  • A covenant or compact made between persons, parties, states, etc., for the promotion or maintenance of common interests or for mutual assistance or service.

  • The aggregation of persons, parties, states, etc., associated in such a covenant or compact; confederacy.

  • An association of individuals having a common goal.

  • A group of teams organized to promote mutual interests and to compete chiefly among themselves.

Member Status

Every member within this organization is assigned to a status. At the time of this writing, there were seven (7) statuses within the organization:
  • Active: A member who is actively playing games (20 or more game points per season).

  • Inactive: A member who is not actively playing games (less than 20 game points per season). Inactive members are allowed to play in scored games.

  • Retired: A member who is not actively playing games within a long period of time (relatively more than three (3) months). Retired members are allowed to play in scored games.

  • Resigned: A member who voluntarily requests to terminate their membership from the league (see member status: Terminated). The member may only return with the consent of the Admins. When a member resigns, the Admins have the right to prevent that member from returning in the future. Resigned members are not allowed to play in scored games.

  • Suspended: A member who has violated the rules and regulations and has been disciplined by the Admins for a temporary amount of time. Suspended members may or may not be allowed to play in scored games, depending on the disciplinary actions of the Admins.

  • Terminated: A member who has violated the rules and regulations and has been permanently exiled from the league by the Admins. Terminated members are not allowed to play in scored games.

  • Leave of Absence: A member who has requested a short period of time away from actively playing games. Leave of Absence members are allowed to play in scored games.


Since this organization is considered to be a league, the group created squads as teams organized to promote mutual interests and to compete chiefly among themselves. Each squad within this organization has been assigned a color and description. At the time of this writing, there were five (5) squads within the organization: Members may join any squad for any particular reason; such as the squad is their favorite color, or a squad may need more members, or they feel attached to those member(s) who may have helped them during their introduction to the league; or any other reason. The Black Lions were initially created for members located on the eastern side of the globe, so they could meet during mutual time zones, however, this is not considered to be a hard-and-fast rule and has adapted to meet the needs of the league over time.

The Black Lions.


In order to distribute administrative responsibilities to members within the organization, ranks were created to delineate those responsibilities. At the time of this writing, there were four (4) ranks within the organization (ordered by highest to lowest):

Primary Admin

The Primary Admin leads the Admins.

Secondary Admin

The Secondary Admin backs up the Primary Admin and shares responsibilities.


The Admins are the group of members who oversee the operation and enforcement of the rules and regulations of this organization. They consist of the members with the following ranks: Admins:

Grievance Admin

  • The Grievance Admin is the front line of communication for member complaints.

  • Any member who has an issue or complaint with another member's adherence to the rules and regulations must contact and work with the Grievance Admin.

  • The Grievance Admin acts as the liaison between the Admins and the member(s) who file complaints.

  • Members are strongly discouraged from contacting other Admins, especially the Primary Admin and Secondary Admin, about complaints before attempting to contact the Grievance Admin.

  • If the Grievance Admin is not available, your Admin may be contacted. If your Admin is not available, contact the Secondary Admin. If the Secondary Admin is not available, then, and only then, may you contact the Primary Admin.

Game Point(s)

Game Points are awarded to members as they play games and report them using our custom statistics system. Some medals are based on game points.

Kill Point(s)

Kill Points are awarded to members as they play games and report them using our custom statistics system. Some medals are based on kill points. Kill points and game points, when calculated together, result in a percentage, or Ace Rating, which some medals also rely on.

Ace Rating

An Ace Rating is a percentage range of kill points and game points, which some medals rely on. At the time of this writing, there are

five (5) Ace Ratings for members:
  • 28% - 48% = Regular (*)
  • 48% - 66% = Veteran (* *)
  • 66% - 83% = Ace (* * *)
  • 83% - 99% = Elite (* * * *)
  • 100% = Champion (* * * * *)
and five (5) Ace Ratings for squads:
  • 20% - 40% = Regular (*)
  • 40% - 60% = Veteran (* *)
  • 60% - 75% = Ace (* * *)
  • 75% - 99% = Elite (* * * *)
  • 100% = Champion (* * * * *)
Members are only eligible for an ace rating if they have at least fifteen (15) game points on their seasonal statistics. Squads do not have any eligibility limitations for an ace rating.


A Season is a relative period of time in which the members of the organization play games and accumulate their statistics earned during these seasons may also affect how and when certain medals are earned.

Member Medals

Members can earn medals as awards based on various criteria. This includes, but is not limited to, number of games played, kill points, game points, ace ratings, seasons, tournaments, length of membership, status and more.

Squad Medals

Squads can earn medals as awards based on various criteria. This includes, but is not limited to, number of games played, kill points, game points, ace ratings, seasons, tournaments and more.



" Official Tournaments" are tournaments officially approved by and overseen by one (1) or more members of the Admins. These official tournaments are usually consistent competitions that are rotated throughout the seasons (but it depends on the availability of someone to manage the tournament and the activity status of the league at the time). The Primary Admin and/or Secondary Admin usually coordinate these types of activities.

" Elective Tournaments" are tournaments approved by one (1) or more Admins, but typically diverts from consistent competitions that are held throughout the seasons.


Events include tournaments, as well as scheduled times to play games, and any other type of scheduled game-related occurrence.


Scorable defines any member who may participate in scored games for the purpose of accumulating statistics and medals.

  • The
    Red Dragons
    squad really needs help!

    Apply Here Today!
  • The
    Gold Phoenix Guard
    squad needs help!

    Apply Here Today!

  • Blackvertigo1 is in the lead for the Medal of Glory

  • Royos is in the lead for the Medal of Glory

  • No one has qualified for the Medal of Courage yet!

  • No one has qualified for the Medal of Gallantry yet!

  • No one has qualified for the Medal of the Iron Cross yet!

  • No one has qualified for the Medal of Thievery yet!

  • No one has qualified for the Medal of Flag yet!

  • No one has qualified for the Medal of Rogues yet!

  • When did you last play a scored game?
    Check Here

  • Are you up-to-date on associates and applicants?
    Check Here
Member Quote
If you are not scared you are not going fast enough!
- Player Spike