Ranger League Flag tournament Spring'97.
This event was held over 2 nights: Saturday May 3rd
and Sunday May 4th from 9:30 to Midnight eastern.
It was a double elimination tournament.
Stadium Flag matches were played to 200 team points.
18 Different Rangers Competed in this event.
The final standings were as follows:
Pilots...............Squadron....Placement.....Kill Points/Game Points
Cemada and Vyper Green 1st 23 23
Wolf and Psykill Green 2nd 21 23
VERRAN and LordDeath Red 3rd 19 23
Glock and Matrix Gold 4th 17 23
Shrike and HolyGhost Blue 5th 15 23
Lyrad and Darkstar Red 5th 15 23
Cameron6 and Rodent Green 7th 11 23
NgC and Bone Blue excused
The 8th Team was excused based on a decission made on a round 2 match.
The match in question went less than 75 team points and was scored as
a draw but Matrix and Glock progressed to round 3.
Pilots who were subbed in for were: Hooter and Firestar.
In addition to the event score for final placement all the matches
were scored normanly.
Awards for this event were:
The Medal of Honor ---- for winning a League championship.(number awarded 2)
The Medal of Valor ---- for a second place finish in a league championship.
(number awaded 2)
Any Questions or comments on this event can be sent to:
Spring '97 Squadron Flag Champions are:
Red Squadron:Captain VERRAN and Ensign LordDeath
Blue Squadron:1st Lt.NgC and Ensign Bone
Green Squadron:Commander Cemada and Lt.Commander Vyper
Gold Squad: Did not run a squadron flag tournament this quarter.