Original "Kill The Boss" Co-op Event
Held June 20th 1996,
Games played Descent II Counterstrike Levels 1-4
The rules at this time were:
"Least Deaths" takes 1st place, "Best Time" takes 2nd place, "Highest Score" takes 3rd place.
All other placement is determined by order of finish.

First Place for "Least Deaths"
Sirian and Sacless
Second Place Finish for "Best Time"
Sirian and Sacless
Third Place Finish for "Highest Score"
Rhythm123 and Madcow

Since Sirian and Sacless took the "Best Time" as well as "Least Deaths"
Rhythm and Madcow recieved second place.

Order of finsih for the remaining Teams:
Cemada and Entropy Finished Second for "Best Time"
Gunr and Terd Finished Third for "Best Time"
KoolBear and Rage Finished Fourth for "Best Time"
Rhythm123 and Madcow Finished Fifth for "Best Time"
Tomgofly and Jackle did not finish.

Final Standings: KP/GP
1- Sirian and Sacless 6/6
2- Rhythm123 and Madcow 5/6
3- Cemada and Entropy 4/6
4- Gunr and Terd 3/6
5- KoolBear and Rage 2/6
6- *Tomgofly and Jackle 0/1 (1 GP penalty)

*entered but did not make a run.

Sirian and Sacless were awarded the MEdal of Assault for winning this event.
