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Leto_II's Member Profile

When designing levels, always keep the level filename to 8 characters or fewer.
Video game dev, music
System Setup
KB + Joystick
Favorite Levels
Anything that properly utilizes all three dimensions. It is Descent, after all!
Favorite Game Mode
Team Anarchy
Favorite Weapons
Fusion Cannon Phoenix Cannon Mercury Missiles Homing Missiles
Date Joined
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An Interview With Leto_II

(Interview conducted by Skywarp.)

Q: How did you come up with your pilot name?

A: I've used various usernames in the past. When I joined Rangers, I had just finished reading the original Dune series. The name is from my favorite of those books, "God Emperor of Dune."

Q: When did you start playing Descent?

A: I don't remember; I was very young. Our family got the disks as a gift, and I think I played both D1 and D2 as early as 1997 (if not a bit earlier). I only played single player, though I didn't play multiplayer at all until shortly before joining the Rangers.

Q: What is your favourite part about playing Descent?

A: I like games that do interesting things with space. Descent, as we all know, makes full use of 3D space. My favorite levels (and my favorite flight style) makes use of this. I like space sims as well, but only Descent offers this unique blend of freedom and claustrophobia.

Q: What's your favourite release of Descent? (D1, D2 or D3)

A: I'd say I like D1 and D2 equally. I like D2 for the improved flight mechanics, and the speed variety that the afterburner offers, but I prefer D1 for the weapon balance. For single-player, I like D1's level designs better. I've tried D3, but I didn't like it as much as D1 or D2.

Can you describe your flying style?

A: I tend to prefer dogfighting to hit-and-run and ratting styles.

What drew you to the Rangers?

A: I bought a used USB joystick at a thrift shop, and decided to use that opportunity to fire up Descent again. I played through D1 single-player, and then decided to give multiplayer a try for the first time. I scanned the tracker, looked for games, and got in a few open games (I remember playing with Ashes and spud). I then lurked the Mumble server a bit and soon joined.

What are some of your other hobbies outside of gaming?

A: Music composition, video game dev, writing.

Pro Tip:

A: When someone is firing Fusion at you, use vulcan.
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Bark. Bark, Bark.
- Player Lee